Use My Blood

It’s okay to use my blood

If you think it will help

You’ll later wash it off

But still feel it there

And I’ll be in your memory

The madness we endured

It’s okay to use my blood

If you think it will do some good

There’s a ringing in my head

Heart full of fear

I want to lay down beside you

And keep you near

I don’t know how to feel

Or what might come next

All I can think to do

Is put your blood on my chest

As I lay here waiting

Praying one last time

Will help come to get me

Can they make up their minds

How can this happen

I’ll never know

And for what reason

Is even more obscure

It’s okay to use my blood

If you think it will help

You’ll later wash it off

But still feel it there

And I’ll be in your memory

The madness we endured

It’s okay to use my blood

If you think it will do some good

Poem by Ryan Hughes

I Bet on Alpha

Aiming to answer anything

Beginning to believe better

than before

Calm and crazy

Dealing with whom I disagree

Even when evil

Finds fault fiendishly

Gladly gathering greed

Healing has to happen

Instantly imagining the impossible

Joining justice

Kindness and

Love lingering

Motionless, meandering

Never ending needlessly

Oppressing open opinion

Poisoning precious


Rising, restlessly running rampant

Seeing simple solutions

To tame, teach and talk

Unravel unanswered unjust

Vengeance and voice vehemently

Worship and wonder the

X of

Your years, yearning each yesterday

Zooming to zero

Poem by Ryan Hughes

Movement Into Mystery

The sun is ripe

Bursting with juices

Flowing to the ready river of souls

Made in the sightless darkness

Bending its way into the center

Of every beating heart

Turning its rays

Into blood soaked rivers

That fuel the beating




Each movement into mystery

Each dream

A shadowy reminder

Of that sightless dark

That twists every soul

Into its own being

Repeating into multitudes

Soul Ready

Poem and Art by Ryan Hughes


The tempest swings

Brittle forces hold their course

Though they are shaken

And in extreme fear of ending

Knowing it will happen

Knowing it will be drastic

Showing compassion to the end

But the end has no action

Only a feeling of empty

Or a little less full

Because other worlds are happening

Flattering the boundaries of beauty

Compounding the knowing

Into words

Words into motion

Motion into music

All flowing

Not wanting to reach the end

Infinity Has Met Its Match

Poem and Art by Ryan Hughes


God in a word that you never heard

Love in a curve but unable to turn

Dream in a kiss that never touched your lips

Loco Notion

Art and Writing by Ryan Hughes

Talk About

I am equal but separate. I am near but never present. I am silent but inside roaring. Even worse still keep forgetting the story.

Why yet are we fighting? By now I have to guess but no one can be heard asking questions only drilling the next soldier yelling out the next fearful scream in the next sunrise toppling over all the battlefields of warriors standing still and having a cool drink and a conversation.

“We’ve got some things to talk about”

Any Bodies Choice

Apostasy Apostle

I wish I was a soldier valiant

Aiming at the very start of the race

at every harm that was placed

upon every head that had a thought

and spend my time meditating on knowing that everything happens at the same time but not in the same moment thus providing severe confusion to all that looked at them self and lingered in that parade that only had one long deep bellowing tune perfectly pitched but wobbly and out of breath marching making its way to the cage and door and crashing them open and finding remains kept from banned and burnt books that attempted to make sense of the mystery that leads to apostasy apostles abandoning another post and calling off the search party because the fire keeps going out and no one wants to wander into the dark

Sun Shine Connection

Writing and Photo by Ryan Hughes

Complexion Reflection

What is beyond the mirror? Her answer goes back to the beginning. Before the mirror reflected infinity back upon itself. The first cycle: Before the repetition of dreams. Before the shadows haunted our landscapes. Before the mirrors were ever built and the only thing between the stars was a handshake.

Writing painting and photo by Ryan Hughes

Making A Door

“I don’t know about you, but I’ve been in this room a long time,” said the old man.

“I don’t remember any room, but I guess you’re right,“ said the wandering man.

“I’ve just now arrived at this place and this room you speak of seems to be big enough for all of us,“ said the child.

The room has no doors or windows, only memories without shape and pain without reason.

A loud knock is felt and then heard by all. The child hears it first but since the others don’t hear it yet he dismisses the sound then forgets about it.

The wanderer has been waiting to hear the knock but when it finally arrives he’s too busy rambling in a manic mind to the old man.

The old man hears the knock finally but can’t get the wanderer to stop talking about his travels long enough to tell the child that the knock is real but you have to build your own door to get out of the room.

Writing and Photo by Ryan Hughes

Loathing the Knowing

I’ve got to find out what I mean before I say anything. A sheep in wolf clothing is called a shepherd. A wolf in sheep clothing is also called a shepherd. One watch by day and one watch by night.

Same Game, Different Level

Art and Writing by Ryan Hughes

March Art Marching On

I write for the aliens on this planet

The Blues can overpower your Fear
Return Me To The Sun

The wind clears out the fumes. “We help when we must” said the painting to the hands “We help when we must” said the wind and spoke with force. Breaking but healing the aching of mythological drama. The push and pull of a whispered scream only able to say “I am sorrow” will optimistically deprive the self of needing anything not bolted down.

Art and Writing by Ryan Hughes

Life In The Swamp

Swamp White Oak, Petal, MS

I’m thankful for this crucible called midnight. This boiling point of dis ease and dis honesty that causes my fear to overwhelm me. ”What have I become my dearest friend?”

One thousand times I’m sorry cannot equal the moments of lived in anguish. A handful of pills cannot extinguish the ills that transform a curious child into an anxiety ridden adult whose soul is spread very thin and whose purpose is slowly changing into something that doesn’t defend its existence with fear, aggression and self pity, but steps out into the light of compassion.

Photo and Writing by Ryan Hughes

You’re Gonna Waste Paint

You’re gonna waste paint
You’ll forget words
Trying to find reasons
That don’t seem absurd

You’re gonna lose friends
Gonna lose faith
Gonna dream big
Then wake up afraid

You’re gonna bend time
Watching the river churn
Gonna build bridges
Then watch them burn

You’re gonna make shapes
On the shadow wall
Gonna stand for nothing
And hope you don’t fall

You’ll wish that trouble
Didn’t know your name
It’s gonna leave you lonely
And fill you up with shame

You’ll give a kiss
To the one you love
And hold your breath
When you feel their touch

You’ll pray for help
When you need it least
And sing praises
To what you cannot see

Poem by Ryan Hughes